Dr. Yu’s Bio

The "Tumor Terminator"
Lio Yu, M.D., D.A.B.R.
Dr. Lio Yu is an international cancer treatment expert and has been called the “Tumor Terminator” because he has exceptional talent in curing patients. He is highly skilled and has decades of experience with a track record of excellent results.
“Advancements in oncology have given cancer patients more options than ever before – yet many don’t actually receive the treatments best suited for them.” – Lio Yu, MD, “Tumor Terminator”
Dr Yu’s experience includes (but is not limited to):
- American Society for Therapeutic Radiology
- New York Roentgen Society
- Radiation Oncology at Beth Israel Medical Center (residency)
- Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center (rotations)
- Harvard Joint Center for Radiation Therapy (rotations)
- Dana Farber Cancer Institute
- Brigham & Women’s Hospital
- The Founder of Cancer Life Prolongation Project

The Most Advanced Protocols, Tests, and Treatment Available
The evolution of oncology over the past 25 years has been astounding and has improved the lives of millions. Yet many are not given access to – or even made aware of – the very treatments that would offer the best possible outcomes for their specific cases. Cost constraints imposed by insurance companies and inefficient delivery systems are to blame. I started USA Cancer Care with the goal of circumventing these constraints.

"My promise is to deliver the most advanced protocols, tests, and treatment available in the field of oncology today – without compromise – to you."
My Promise
– Lio Yu, MD, “Tumor Terminator”

We Can do More. Much More.
Dr. Yu's Philosophy
“I have been a cancer specialist for over 25 years . Over those years I have literally treated thousands of cancer patients and cured virtually all who should be cured and many who had little chances for cure. I have seen over 13 – 14 thousand patients with various cancers involving the breast, prostate, lung, colorectal , uterine/gynecologic, head neck, skin, lymphoma, metastases and a multitude of cancers too numerous to list. Specifically I have treated over 5,000 breast cancer patients and over 2500 prostate cancer patients. While I am very proud of this achievement, I want to do more. . . much more.
Simultaneously, over the recent years I have become more and more disenchanted with the erosion of the medical standards in treating patients. Specifically, insurance companies aim to cut costs at the patient’s expense which results in worse treatment outcomes or side effects and complications for them. I have become increasingly frustrated with having to deal with insurance companies to fight for even minimal standards of good quality care for patients. Sadly the downward spiraling of medical care in this country continues. Despite this, our great nation still boasts some of the most innovative and advanced cancer treatment worldwide. I’m skeptical it can continue into the future. That is why I decided to start this company for the dual purpose of helping more patients but also at the same time maintaining the high standards of cancer care without the constraints of insurance company’s brute force cost-cutting.”
– Lio Yu, MD, “Tumor Terminator”

A Flawed System
Insurance companies now routinely employ other companies to essentially harass the doctors to eat up their time and deny treatments / payments for needed care or tests to patients. They rely on the fact that the doctors nowadays are overworked and underpaid and seeing as many patients as possible to maintain their revenue.
Despite this heavier than ever workload, they now have to deal with authorizations rejection and insurance reviews with so-called peer-to-peer phone calls to justify the tests or treatments they have ordered. These phone calls with doctors take up valuable time that the doctors do not have and many of them just give in and accept often a lower standard (lower cost to the insurance company) treatment or even omit necessary tests in order to continue to see patients or care for them.
Many doctors spend hours upon hours weekly with insurance company only to have further denials and further appeals in a never-ending bureaucratic process designed to discourage doctors from getting the patients treatment or tests that are more expensive than the insurance company are willing to pay.

Why the Patient Suffers
Over the years, the insurance companies including governmental insurance carriers (Medicare/Medicaid) have required more and more documentation and rules for charging to reduce payments in order to save money. The doctors now spend up to half of their time or more on paperwork rather than helping their patients. To achieve these cost cutting measures, insurance companies and the government have come up with all types of rules on timing of treatment, how many medical issues (usually one per visit) can be addressed at one time and a limit on how much a treatment/test they are willing to pay for. They expect the doctors/facilities to render the treatment or service first without payment and wait to get reimbursed.
The problem is that often the reimbursement is much lower or denied. I know of practices that have disbanded and gone out of business because the doctors gave proper necessary high standard proven treatments/medicine/chemotherapy to patients but never received the money they put up in good faith expecting to be reimbursed. The patient suffers because for the doctors to be paid, only one problem can be addressed at a time. That is why nowadays, if you have more than one problem at the time of the visit, the doctors insist on a separate visit so they can be paid for addressing the second or third problem.
It’s like the gov/ins saying to a car owner, we will pay for one tire to be replaced. If you replace 2 tires or 3 or 4 tires at the same time, we will only pay for one tire, unless you make the car owner come in multiple, separate times. Often, the medical issues are pressing and simultaneous that the treatment needs to be simultaneous and the doctors are essentially penalized for giving proper good standard medical care. To make things worse, the gov/ins entities are incentivizing doctors to actually cut corners to cut cost and offering incentive bonuses if costs are kept below certain levels. This is totaling moving medical treatment in the wrong direction.